Which Property Management Tool is Right for You: Excel, Google Sheets, or PMS thumbnail picture
  29 Dec 2022

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Which Property Management Tool is Right for You: Excel, Google Sheets, or Property Management System?

Poll on the Use of Excel and Google Sheets for Property Management

As a property manager, you have a lot on your plate. From managing rentals and bookings to maintaining properties and handling finances, there's no shortage of tasks that need to be handled on a daily basis.

To keep everything organized and running smoothly, many property managers turn to tools like Excel and Google Sheets. But are these tools still the best option, or is it time to consider something new?

To find out, we conducted a poll asking, "Do You Still Use Excel/Gsheets for Property Management?" The results of the poll are summarized in the table below.

Poll Result

Options Percentage of Respondents
Yes and it's great 39%
Yes but, it's stressful 11%
No, I use software 43%
Other 7%

According to the poll results, the majority of respondents (39%) still use Excel or Google Sheets for property management and find it to be a great tool. It's not surprising that these tools are still widely used – they are often free and widely available, making them an attractive option for small businesses or individuals managing a small number of properties.

However, it's worth noting that a smaller group of respondents (11%) also use these tools but find them to be stressful. For those managing a large number of properties or those who need more advanced features, these tools may not be as efficient or user-friendly as specialized software.

Many Property Managers Opt for Specialized Software

In fact, a significant number of respondents (43%) do not use Excel or Google Sheets for property management and instead opt for specialized software. These tools are specifically designed for property management and can offer a range of features that make it easier to track and manage properties.

Consider Booking Ninjas Property Management System

If you're still using Excel or Google Sheets for property management and finding it to be a bit overwhelming, it might be time to consider switching to specialized software. One option to consider is Booking Ninjas Property Management System.

Our software is designed specifically for property managers and offers a range of features to help you manage rentals, bookings, and finances with ease. Plus, our user-friendly interface makes it easy to get started and start seeing results right away.

While Excel and Google Sheets are still popular tools for property management, it's clear that many property managers are turning to specialized software for a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

If you're looking for a new way to manage your properties, consider giving Booking Ninjas Property Management System a try. Our software is specifically designed for property managers and offers a range of features to help you streamline your workflow and manage your properties with ease.

Schedule a free demo with us today.

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