Residential Assisted Living Business Plan: Step By Step Guide thumbnail picture
  24 Sep 2022

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Residential Assisted Living Business Plan: Step By Step Guide

What Is An Assisted Living Business Plan?

A residential assisted living business plan overviews your facility as it currently is and outlines your growth strategy for the next few years. It describes your company's aims and objectives for achieving them. Market analysis/research is also included to back up your goals.

Why You Need a Business Plan for Your Assisted Living Business

A business plan is required if you want to open a new assisted living facility or expand an existing one. A business plan can enable you to raise funds and plan the expansion of your assisted care facility in order to maximize your chances for smooth sailing, and enjoy the benefits of success.

Additionally, your assisted living business plan should be revised on a yearly basis as your business develops and evolves.

Organization and Clarity

Clarity of vision or organization signifies that you comprehend exactly what you're doing and where you're headed. When considering clarity, it is critical to consider the following four factors:

  • What exactly is your business?
  • Who are you as an individual?
  • What you're up to concerning the business?
  • Where are you going with the business?

The clarity communicates that you recognize where you're about to start, where you'll equalize, when you'll become profitable, what your backup is, and all the specifics that complement these.

And they are necessary for establishing a business plan that will convert to financial support and acquiring funds to start your assisted living business, which brings us to the next key component of a business plan.

Data Gathering

Data is power in today's corporate world. Your target audience and customer data is critical to how businesses connect with their prospects.

The data collecting methods you employ are vital to personalizing your marketing automation, delivering essential information to sales teams, and actually providing a better experience to your clients.

Customer data collection should be a key concern for every organization. However, just acquiring data is not always beneficial. The data collection procedures you employ are also crucial.

To be usable, that data must have the proper structure and context; else, it is just a spontaneous set of facts with no meaningful guidance for how it may be utilized in a commercial setting.

Data in the right context will assist you in making actual, data-backed decisions that will propel your business ahead.

Raising Capital

A business plan demonstrates that you have a real direction, which is what investors are looking for.

A well-thought-out business strategy demonstrates to investors that you possess a strong understanding and enables you to express that idea so that people will basically invest in you.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.

With no proper business plan:

  • No bank will lend you money, and no private investor or lender will lend you money.
  • People will not take you or your company seriously.
  • Investors will be puzzled as to what you're already doing and where you wish to take it.
  • Investors will assume you have fuzzy notions about what you're working on and where you wish to take it.

To be clear, regardless of industry, a business plan is an important phase in the beginning stages of any business. A business plan helps you to create a well-thought-out strategy that specifies where you wish to take it.

A business plan also enables you to advance. It distinguishes you from others who are only looking to start a business to people who are genuine about owning and operating a successful company.

Components of an Assisted Living Business Plan

Company Executive Summary

Your executive summary introduces your business plan, which is usually the final component you create because it summarizes each vital feature of your strategy.

The purpose of your Executive Summary is to pique the reader's interest instantly. It explains your facility's nature and state. It answers questions like: is it a new company, do you have an already existing assisted living facility that you want to expand, or do you run a network of assisted living facilities?

Following that, offer an outline of each of your plan's subsequent components. For instance, give a quick summary of the assisted living facility business. Talk about the sort of assisted living home you run.

Provide information about your immediate rivals. Provide an outline of your target audience. Give an overview of your marketing strategy. Determine who the essential members of your team are. Also, provide a summary of your budget statement and general financial plan.

You should describe the sort of assisted living home you run in your company analysis. For example, you could operate any of the following categories of assisted care facilities:

Residential Living

This sort of facility is designed for seniors who require limited assistance and can maintain their daily activities without the need for intensive healthcare monitoring.

Memory Care

This sort of assisted living facility focuses on supporting elders who have Alzheimer's disease or dementia.


This residential assisted living center serves elders who require speech, physical, or occupational treatment or therapy.

Industry Analysis

In this section, you must offer a summary of the assisted living home. This may appear to be redundant, but it serves several purposes.

First and foremost, studying the assisted care facility market will educate you. It aids your understanding of the business and the market in which you operate.

Besides, market research may also help you enhance your approach, especially if you identify market trends.

Another benefit of conducting market research is to demonstrate to readers that you are an authority in your field. You accomplish this by performing the study and incorporating it into your strategy.

Questions to consider:

  • What is the size of the assisted living facility business?
  • Is the market falling or rising?
  • Who are the industry's leading competitors?
  • Who are the industry's leading suppliers?
  • What are the current industry trends?

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis part of your assisted care business plan must include information about the clients you currently represent and/or anticipate representing.

The segments include families of seniors who require little to no support, families of seniors who require help with everyday living, and families of seniors who require memory care.

As you would expect, the client segment(s) you select will have a significant influence on the sort of assisted living home you run.

Relatives of seniors in need of minimum care, for example, would clearly seek different services and therefore would respond to various marketing efforts than relatives of seniors in need of memory care.

Try to categorize your target market based on their demographic and psychographic characteristics.

In terms of demographics, provide information on the location, genders, ages, and income levels of the clients you want to serve. Because most assisted living facilities serve people who live in the same town or city, such demographic data is readily available on government websites.

Psychographic analyses describe your target clients' interests and demands. The better you understand and identify these demands, the better you will be able to attract and keep clients.

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis must identify and prioritize your company's direct and indirect competition. Other assisted living institutions are your direct competition.

Indirect rivals are alternatives to direct rivals that seniors might consider. This comprises communities, senior care services, and adult daycare facilities. You must highlight such competition to demonstrate that you recognize that not every senior who needs help will join an assisted living facility.

In terms of direct competition, you should list all of the other assisted care facilities with whom you compete. It is very likely that your immediate competition will be residential assisted care facilities established relatively near your site.

Include a summary of the businesses and a list of their weaknesses and strengths for each competitor. It is hard to know all about your competition unless you have already worked for them. However, you should still be able to learn important information about them, such as:

The last element of your competitive analysis should identify your areas of competitive edge:

  • Will you give excellent service?
  • Will you offer services that your rivals do not?
  • Will you make it more convenient or quicker for individuals to use your facility?
  • Will you provide additional social and physical activities?
  • Will you lower your prices?

Consider how you will surpass your competitors and include them in this segment of your plan.

Marketing Plan

A marketing strategy has typically included the four P's: price, promotion, place, and product. Your marketing plan for an assisted living business should contain the following:


Outline the prices you want to charge and also how they compare to those of your rivals. Basically, the product and pricing sub-sections of your marketing strategy describe the services you provide as well as their rates.


The location of your assisted care facility is very important. Specify your location and explain how it will influence your progress (revenue generation…). Is your assisted living home, for example, in a neighborhood or close to a hospital? Explain how your location could be advantageous for acquiring customers.


The promotion part is the final component of your assisted care home marketing strategy. You will explain how you will drive customers to your site in this section (s). You could explore the following promotional strategies:

  • Local newspaper and magazine advertisements
  • Contacting local websites
  • Inclusion of the company in relevant web directories
  • Handbills and flyers
  • Marketing campaigns on social media
  • Advertisement on local radio


You should restate the kind of assisted care home that you noted in your company analysis in this section. Then in detail, describe the precise services you want to offer.

Will you organize physical fitness programs and provide exercise equipment, Have you considered providing pet accommodation, on-site events and activities, or transport services in addition to the regular services provided by an assisted living facility?

Operation plan

While the previous part of your business strategy described your objectives, your operations plan discusses how you will achieve them. Your operation's strategy should be split into two parts as shown below.

Daily Short-term Structure

Daily short-term procedures encompass all aspects of running an assisted living home, such as housekeeping, healthcare and support, food services, and so on.

Long-term goals

Long-term objectives are milestones that you aim to reach. These may include the dates when you hope to accomplish 100 percent occupancy or $X in income. It may also include when you anticipate opening a new branch of our assisted living facility.


Since business plans are typically strategies for the next 5 years of your business, your financial statement should be broken out monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually for the following 4 years in your financial plan.

Your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements are all part of your financial statements.

Income Statements

An income statement is often known as a profit and loss statement (or P&L). It displays your earnings and then deducts your expenditures to determine whether or not you made a profit.

You will make assumptions while creating your income statement. For example, will you have 10 or 120 residents? Will sales increase by 2% or 10% each year?

As you might expect, the assumptions you make will have a significant influence on your company's financial predictions. Gather as much knowledge as possible to try to ground your assumptions in actuality.

Cashflow Statements

A cash flow statement can help you decide how much funds you need to start or develop your company, as well as ensure that you never run out of funds. What most startups and business managers don't comprehend is that you may make a profit while still running out of money and going bankrupt.

Balance Sheets

Your liability and assets are shown on your balance sheet. While balance sheets can contain a lot of information, try to keep them as simple as possible.

For example, spending a lot of money to build up an assisted living facility will not generate immediate revenue. However, it is an asset that should help you earn money for many years to come.

Similarly, if a bank sends you a $100,000 check, you do not have to repay it straight away. Instead, that is a debt (liability) that you will repay over time.

P.S: Include the following major costs in your balance sheets and income statement when beginning or expanding a residential assisted care business:

  • Location build-out, (construction and design expenses, and so on).
  • Equipment costs, including support devices, surveillance/security, and medical devices
  • Payroll (salary paid to employees)
  • Commercial insurance
  • Taxes and licenses
  • Expenses for legal counsel


Add your complete financial predictions to your plan's appendix, as well as any supporting materials that make your strategy more convincing. You may, for instance, submit your facility layout or site lease.

Free Assisted Living Business Plan Template

You've arrived at the appropriate places to develop your business plan for an assisted care home. The template below will help you write each component of your Assisted Living Facility Business Plan:

Free Assisted Living Business Plan Template

Adding PMS To Your Assisted Living Business Plan

Be sure to throw in the need for property management software somewhere in your business plan. The sole purpose of writing a business plan is to outline and make clear your business strategies, which subsequently leads to smooth revenue generation.

Hence, effective assisted living business management practices like task automation should not be left out of your plan.

Choose a trusted and seamless assisted living property management system like Booking Ninjas, and you don’t have to stress about operational activities like bookkeeping, reporting, reservation systems, and so on.

Our Salesforce-powered cloud-based solution provides you with everything you've ever needed to fulfill the greatest residential assisted living services for your customers. Say goodbye to clogged integrations and confusing interfaces.

With the Booking Ninjas system, you get a complete system that is simple to use at first glance, minimum features that are tailored to your specific needs, and 100% 24/7 customer service from our very finest. It's the most straightforward offer you'll ever find.

Key Takeaways

Creating a business strategy for your assisted care home is an important step. If you follow the blueprint above, you will be a true expert by the end.

You will have a thorough understanding of the assisted care facility sector, as well as your competitors and clients. You will have created a marketing strategy and will fully comprehend what it takes to start and run a thriving assisted living business.

To learn more about Booking Ninjas and what we do, schedule a free call with us now!

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