Coworking Space Revenue Model: All You Need To Know thumbnail picture
  13 Mar 2022

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Coworking Space Revenue Model: All You Need To Know

Do you find yourself wondering what a good coworking space revenue model entails?

Many people think that it is all about the coworking space pricing model or the coworking space business plan.

However, startups and property owners need a standard revenue model template to make the best use of their lead generation.

A revenue model is a business's primary approach to generating revenue. In general, revenue models comprise information such as the items or services that the company intends to offer, target markets, and any projected costs.

A revenue model is also known as a business model. Pricing and expenses are two major elements.

What is a coworking space?

You probably have a lot of concerns about what a coworking space is, how a coworking space work, and generate revenue.

In essence, coworking spaces are shared workstations. They provide low-cost office space for folks who want to get away from the solitude of a home office or a cafe.

Coworking space, contrary to common perception, is a business that contrasts with the conventional office setting. It also differs from the norm in terms of how it functions and generates revenue.

How Do Coworking Spaces Generate Revenue?


Renting as a way that coworking spaces generate revenue can be looked at from two different angles.

  • Investing in office infrastructure and renting it out. A coworking space, like any other workplace, has a defined amount of work areas that it leases out to individuals and groups.

The main source of income for most coworking spaces is the rental of workstations. Apart from private workstations, several coworking spaces also rent out separate cabins and shared work areas.

Several of them also give a flexible pricing option where consumers may choose from a variety of customizable options.

  • Investing in a general workspace and renting it out.

Numerous coworking spaces that have open halls and conference rooms rent out these facilities for hosting events such as meetings, lectures, and training sessions, among other things.

They offer a low cost in comparison to many other resource-intensive options, and they also have enough facilities to organize these events.

Virtual Renting

Many coworking spaces go on to provide virtual offices as a service. While the staff works from home, a virtual office is a professional work address that a business may utilize for advertising, mails, and deliveries.

Business owners or creatives who want to work from home but require a designated professional location for their brand would benefit from virtual renting.

Promotion And Marketing

Because coworking spaces have such a wide range of enterprises, work structures, and workers, several businesses often utilize them for a promotional scheme.

Even seminars and training held in coworking spaces act as a technique of marketing a brand and generating income.

Partnerships And Investments

Connectivity and communication are at the heart of coworking. Running a coworking space allows you to network with a variety of local businesses and investors.

This might help you improve the standard of your services and memberships plans, as well as your own company.

Good collaboration and investment bring value to your members, increase income, and produce new leads. Most of the time, collaborations also turn out to be budget-friendly strategies, allowing you to increase revenue.

Instead of having a fast food joint in your coworking space and dedicating a portion of your revenue to setting up and maintaining it, you could partner with a fast food joint nearby and have them provide and promote their meals, snacks, refreshments, and other items.

Not only will this offer opportunities to socialize and serve as an additional amenity for the customers, but by offering deals and discounts to those who use your facility, the business expands as well, making it a win-win situation.

Memberships And Subscriptions

Each product initiative offers features and functionalities that may be obtained by paying a fee at some point.

Vip subscriptions or premium membership is a one-time charge that provides you admission to premium facilities.

It is normally paid once a year. This method of generating revenue also assures customer loyalty.

Meeting Room Bookings

Meeting rooms are valuable assets for coworking spaces, serving as collaborative hubs for brainstorming sessions, client meetings, and workshops. Spaces typically charge an hourly or daily rate for meeting room bookings, with additional services like catering or audiovisual equipment rentals adding to the revenue stream.

Event Hosting

Coworking spaces are not just workplaces; they're also vibrant community hubs. Hosting events such as workshops, networking sessions, and industry meetups not only enhances the sense of community but also generates revenue through event space rentals, ticket sales, sponsorships, and partnerships.

Additional Services

To diversify revenue streams, coworking spaces often offer a range of additional services to meet the needs of their members. These may include virtual office services, coworking passes for occasional users, business support services like mentorship or legal advice, and perks such as gym access or discounts at local businesses.

Corporate Partnerships

Collaborating with corporate partners can be mutually beneficial for coworking spaces and businesses seeking to tap into their ecosystem. Partnerships may involve sponsoring events, offering exclusive discounts to members, or providing access to specialized services or resources in exchange for exposure and access to the coworking community.

Ancillary Revenue Streams

Beyond core offerings, coworking spaces explore ancillary revenue streams to maximize profitability. This may include selling branded merchandise, partnering with local vendors to offer food and beverage options, or even monetizing data insights derived from member usage patterns to inform marketing strategies or space optimization.

Things To Consider When Building A Coworking Space Revenue Model

Revenue Leads

What revenue leads do you have? From memberships, perhaps? Are you making money by renting out spaces?

Membership and renting out spaces are mostly regarded as the two most important income sources in coworking.

You may have a company plan that relies mostly on membership income generation, thus a bigger portion of your spending might go into improving the membership experience, improving facilities, and so on.

You may alternatively choose to prioritize the latter, or possibly both. Targeting your leads has a significant function in generating revenue.

Target Audience

Profitability is also influenced by the community from which you anticipate a significant percentage of revenue.

Creatives and freelancers, work-from-home professionals, entrepreneurs, and corporate teams are among the many groups who use coworking spaces.

There is usually over one core demographic in the scope of coworking, but this too is entirely dependent on your company's vision and ambitions.

Fulfilling your target audience's unique desires has a significant influence on the revenue you generate from them.

Click here to learn more about coworking spaces.


How much of your revenue do you put back into making the coworking space revenue model work? After all of these costs, how much money do you have left?

Addressing every one of these questions will help you assess the direction of your property development as well as your potential profits.

Setup costs, maintenance expenses, employee salaries, and other fees are all points to consider. How much do you have left after all of this?

So before you conclude on that coworking space revenue model, make sure you are certain that it will do your business a lot of good.

Market Analysis

Conduct thorough research to understand the demand for coworking spaces in your target location. Analyze demographics, industry trends, and competition to identify opportunities and gaps in the market.


Membership Structure

Design flexible membership plans that cater to the diverse needs of potential members. Consider offering different tiers of membership with varying levels of access and amenities to appeal to freelancers, startups, remote teams, and corporate clients.

Pricing Strategy

Set competitive pricing based on market rates, the value proposition of your space, and the quality of amenities and services provided. Balance affordability with profitability to attract members while ensuring sustainable revenue generation.

Utilization Forecasting

Estimate the utilization rates of different areas within your coworking space, such as desks, private offices, and meeting rooms. This data will inform pricing decisions and help optimize space allocation for maximum revenue generation.

Amenities and Services

Determine the range of amenities and services to offer based on the preferences and needs of your target audience. Consider factors such as high-speed internet, printing facilities, refreshments, networking events, and professional development workshops.

Space Design and Layout

Design the layout of the coworking space to maximize efficiency and flexibility. Balance open work areas with private and collaborative spaces to accommodate different work styles and preferences. Optimize space utilization to minimize waste and maximize revenue-generating opportunities.

Marketing and Branding

Develop a strong brand identity and marketing strategy to attract prospective members and differentiate your coworking space from competitors. Utilize online and offline channels to raise awareness, generate leads, and cultivate a vibrant community around your space.

Customer Experience

Prioritize member satisfaction and retention by delivering exceptional customer service and fostering a supportive and inclusive community culture. Solicit feedback from members to continually improve the coworking experience and enhance value proposition.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Remain agile and responsive to changing market dynamics, member needs, and industry trends. Continuously evaluate and refine your revenue model to optimize performance and stay ahead of the curve in the competitive coworking landscape.

Coworking Space Pricing Model

The style of coworking space pricing model has continued to change in recent years. The 2020 pandemic has had a further influence on pricing. Some companies may provide discounts in exchange for loyalty.

As businesses cut staff and adopt flexible working practices with lesser coworkers in the workplace at a time, it's evident that a pattern of reducing office space will emerge.

When it comes to coworking space pricing, there are a few things to consider to help your revenue model. When comparing expenses, it's critical to assess what they entail, because various places have distinct features, this might be challenging.

The following items are usually included in the basic fee for most spaces:

  • Internet access.

  • Printing, photocopying, laminating, scanning, and so on.

  • Simple reception services.

  • Making food, drinks, and refreshments like coffee, tea, snacks available in the kitchen area.

There are several included and alternative extras concerning additional features when considering the cost structure of your coworking space.

Because of diversity, there is no defined way of creating your coworking space pricing model, a private office on the south side might be way cheaper than a shared office on the north side.

However, we recommend that you do a lot of research and strategically analyze your coworking space model.

Coworking Space Business Plan

To draw up an excellent coworking space revenue model, a well-constructed coworking space business plan is required. Here are some important tips for creating one.

1. Finding What Works For You

In this part, we're not focusing on how important it is to discover the proper cultural fit for your local.

Instead, we're talking about how important it is to buy an adequately sized location that conveniently accommodates all of your community members while also allowing you to thrive as an owner.

A workspace of 1,500-3,000 square feet is probably too small, making it impossible to cover the costs of a lease, mortgage, management, and staff.

In contrast, anything bigger than 5,000 square feet with a high occupancy rate should generate higher revenue.

Small coworking spaces with 70-80 seats and larger spaces with more are ideal for recovering your operational costs and more.

2. Clear Objectives

Your coworking space must have clear objectives. Unless, you want a slew of random people coming into work at your property with no apparent purpose, and that is if luck shines on you.

The perfect coworking spaces have core values that each community member can identify with. Regardless of what your coworking space idea is, spaces, knowing "why" is a good place to start.

As your coworking space business grows, you'll need to make changes to your approach, but having a clear outlook ensures that those changes are well-intentioned better than pushing you in two different directions.

3. It's All About The Location!

You might be persuaded by cheap rent for a specific real estate deal, but before you sign anything, ask yourself why it's such a bargain.

What is the location of the space? Look somewhere else it might be in an area where your potential community members will have an uncomfortable transit, despite the appealing price.

In a centralized location, filling workstations in a coworking space is more likely. To thrive, you'll need an occupancy rate of at least around 80%, which won't work if your property is in a remote or rural location.

4. Find Out What's Going On In The Industry

Learn how much the coworking business is progressing in your location and other places with proximity.

Communicate with the other coworking space managers within the area to see what kind of statistics and perspectives they can provide.

Alternatively, post your questions on coworking forums on social media. Finally, there are surveys with important data on coworking's growth that will undoubtedly provide invaluable tips.

5. Get to Know Your Target Audience

What kind of customer are you looking for, and what kind of coworking area do they prefer?

For instance, some coworking spaces provide elite, affordable spaces for customers to cater to big corporations; and others focus on smaller groups.

Cost, promotion, facilities, and location will be simpler to arrange if you are more explicit about your target community.

6. Budget, Capital, and Financial Plans

Part of the most important element of starting your coworking space is creating a financial plan. Here are some things to get you started with that.

First, you'll need money (obviously,) but what the money will be spent on when to expect profit, potential total monthly revenue, possible setbacks, and of course exit plan are things to consider.

Decoding these strategies is not exactly easy. However, you should base your strategy on reasonable estimates gotten from data and research.

If you want to attract investors and partners, you'll need a strong financial plan.

7. Creating A Balanced Pricing Scheme

If you charge too much per workstation, you'll end up with a deserted community that wouldn't last that long.

Furthermore, charging too little makes it difficult to earn a profit, regardless of the numbers of customers that occupy your coworking space and pricing too little makes prospective members believe your offering is too cheap to be standard.

With rationale, charge whatever your services are worth and that is your best bet.

If you provide exceptional services, community members will gladly pay a higher price if the advantages outweigh the costs, such as increased earnings and productivity.

8. Create Your Ideal team

Certainly, owning a firm entails doing as much as can on your own, and this strategy lowers operating expenses.

Because most individuals aren't experts in many areas, you'll likely need a dependable, efficient staff to transform your coworking space into a money-making engine.

Coworking spaces, as a whole, need coworking software expertise, an operational manager, and a marketer.

If you are an expert in any of these sectors, do it yourself, but create a team or employ freelancers to help with some things.

Finally, think about prospective partners, investors, and other employees who can help you to boost the quality and general development of your coworking space.

9. Create A Marketing Strategy For Coworking Spaces

Your coworking space is both a business and an atmosphere for exceptionally motivated people to accomplish, innovate, and flourish.

When it comes to selling your company to your target market, an excellent coworking marketing plan is essential, just like any other product.

You may place advertisements in local newspapers or niche publications that are appropriate to your target demographic, based on your budget.

Furthermore, in the new era, a well-designed website and an active social media footprint are both advertising and marketing requirements.

Consumers trust "word of mouth" than traditional advertising, therefore brand promotion from current community members is incredibly beneficial.

As a result, it is a good idea to reward members who suggest others to your coworking space.

Also, you should consider setting up a station at trade fairs where you can hand out a variety of promotional materials to bystanders.

Remember that whatever you do, always concentrate on your core message, so each of your marketing strategies has a simplified goal.

10. Concentrate On A Certain Niche

Your coworking firm will be too generalized if you don't have a niche, making it much more difficult to come up with a solid business strategy.

Finding your specialty requires extensive study to determine what will set your coworking community apart from others in the market. If your rivals cater too much to one sort of employee, you should concentrate your efforts on the people they overlook.

Examine what others are doing and identify the lucrative market category that other communities are yet to touch with their offerings.

Frequent Losses In The Coworking Business

While coworking spaces can be lucrative ventures, they are not immune to challenges and potential sources of frequent losses. Several factors contribute to the risk of facing losses in the coworking business:

High Fixed Costs

Operating a coworking space entails significant fixed costs, including rent, utilities, insurance, and maintenance. If the space experiences low occupancy or struggles to attract and retain members, these fixed costs can quickly erode profitability and lead to losses.

Seasonal Fluctuations

Coworking spaces may experience seasonal fluctuations in demand, with periods of high occupancy followed by quieter times. If revenue fails to cover fixed costs during low-demand periods, losses can accrue, especially if the business lacks sufficient cash reserves or financial buffers.


The coworking industry is increasingly competitive, with new spaces entering the market and established players vying for market share. Intense competition can drive down prices and margins, making it challenging for coworking spaces to maintain profitability, particularly if they struggle to differentiate themselves or offer unique value propositions.

Member Churn

High member turnover, or churn, can be detrimental to coworking space profitability. Constantly having to attract and onboard new members incurs acquisition costs and disrupts revenue streams. Retaining existing members through exceptional service, amenities, and community engagement is crucial to mitigating churn and minimizing losses.

Economic Downturns

Economic downturns or recessions can adversely impact the demand for coworking spaces as businesses tighten their budgets and individuals reassess discretionary spending. During periods of economic uncertainty, coworking spaces may experience declining occupancy rates and revenue, leading to losses if not adequately managed.


Rapid or unsustainable expansion can strain cash flow and lead to losses if occupancy rates fail to meet expectations or if the business overextends itself financially. Scaling too quickly without sufficient demand or operational efficiency can result in underutilized space and inflated overhead costs.

Misaligned Pricing

Inaccurate pricing strategies, such as setting rates too low to attract members or too high to remain competitive, can impact revenue generation and profitability. Finding the right balance between affordability and profitability is crucial to ensuring the sustainability of the business model.

Operational Inefficiencies

Inefficient operations, including poor space utilization, underutilized resources, and ineffective cost management, can contribute to losses in the coworking business. Streamlining processes, optimizing space allocation, and reducing unnecessary expenses are essential for improving operational efficiency and profitability.

Lack of Differentiation

Failure to differentiate the coworking space from competitors or adequately address the unique needs of target customers can result in stagnant growth and declining revenue. Offering distinctive amenities, fostering a strong community culture, and providing value-added services can help differentiate the business and attract loyal members.

External Factors

External factors beyond the control of coworking space operators, such as changes in zoning regulations, disruptions in transportation infrastructure, or unforeseen events like natural disasters or public health crises, can impact operations and financial performance, leading to losses.

Key Takeaways

It's critical to use some fundamental basis for evaluating the finest coworking space revenue models while developing yours.

This is because to create something great, you have to evaluate something great.

Three criteria can be used to determine a coworking space with a profitable revenue model: location, innovation, and community.

The primary goal of coworking spaces is to create a community whereby freelancers and workers from various companies can gather and collaborate.

Profit maximization was never the primary purpose of coworking spaces.

However, expecting coworking spaces to run at a loss is unrealistic. A lucrative coworking space is one where everyone is super pleased: members, staff, and, of course, oneself.

To put it another way, a lucrative coworking space revenue model can also indicate that you've succeeded in creating the community that coworking spaces aspire for.

A proper Coworking Management Software can help you manage different revenue model to improve your revenue & operation efficiency. Booking Ninjas provides an all-in-one coworking space software to manage your shared space rentals, vacancies & daily operations. Schedule a meeting to learn more!

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